We are fully CE Certified for the manufacture of load bearing structural carbon steel components up to Execution Class 2 according to BS EN 1090-2:2008 + A1: 2011.
We are fully CE Certified for the manufacture of load bearing structural carbon steel components up to Execution Class 2 according to BS EN 1090-2:2008 + A1: 2011.
My name is Paul Richmond. I've been designing and fabricating Agricultural and Industrial buildings for over 30 years. There are an awful lot of my babies out there (over 3,000 at the last count!) but I still love to talk sheds so please feel free to call and chat about your new project.
Like the X-men - I have a very small and tight knit team, each has a special skill, but put them all together and you might just get one good one.
Shaun is a highly experienced steel fabricator (20yrs+ in structures). Although apparently unable to operate anything with a screen he astounded us all by grabbing and running with our new CNC plasma mill which he nurtures like a new born baby and programs like a..... like a..... well, almost better than an 11 year old.
Lewis has been welding since he was 6. Coded for every position known to British Standards, a highly accurate and knowledgeable fabricator. Just lock up your womenfolk.
Tragically born without a Y chromosome, Bella has refused to let this hold her back - mysteriously being able to conceive and produce the detailed engineering drawings that we need to manufacture our buildings. Weird!